36 Responses to “How to set default apps in Windows 11 (file associations)”

  • Richard says:

    When I try to send a picture on the web to my email I get a message (There is not a email associaton with this so we cant send. How can I fix this and what program do I click for Yahoo mail?

  • Michael Bates says:

    In XP, it was possible to edit a file type’s associations to use one program for opening the file, and another program for the file menu “edit.” I used this to set most image file types to open (click, double-click, select and enter, menu item “open” etc.) in Fast Stone Image Viewer, but to be edited (“edit” file right-click menu) by Photoshop Elements. Worked very well: much faster response when I only wanted to see an image.

    Can this be done in Windows 8.1? I have not found a command to edit the properties of a file type extension.

  • Deb says:

    How can I associate .SVG files with Visio? I’ve tried ALL the great methods you suggest but I can’t change SVG away from Adobe Illustrator. Thank you. (Windows 7; Microsoft Office 15, Visio 2013).

  • masrianto says:

    thanks for website

  • Vera says:

    I installed two versions of a program (CAT tool, Trados Studio 2014 and 2015). Now the related files are associated with 2015 only and when I try the usual way and go to the 2014 exe, it doesn’t appear, as if my windows wouldn’t recognise that these are two separate programs (which they are). Is there any way to delete the 2015 association so that I can associate the files with the 2014 again? Thanks for your help!

  • JohnGiese says:

    I ran into a problem that was difficult to solve. I had set up an association with a program using the browse button. That program subsequently got moved to another directory. When I tried to change the association by browsing to the new location, the application could not be selected. Once an application has been added to the association program list, there does not seem to be a way to remove it. The only way I was able to resolve this problem was to modify the path to the associated program using REGEDIT (which always should be the last resort). Is there any way to remove a program from the association program list without using REGEDIT?

  • NickC says:

    Confuses the reader with windows 7, 8 & 8.1 solutions making it useless for someone looking for a windoze 7 approach.

  • MattPage says:

    Eventually I tracked down how to do this using the registry/cmd.

    Go to Start and type in “cmd” and launch cmd.exe

    Navigate to the folder where the relevant .exe file is located by pressing the letter of the drive and a colon, e.g. “D:”. Then type “cd ” and the name of each subfolder one at a time, e.g. “cd Software”, then “cd SumatraPDF”.

    Now type the name of the program followed by “-register-for-pdf” (presumably it works for other file extensions too) so for example type “SumatraPDF.exe -register-for-pdf”.

    That should be it, though someone said it only starts working the second time you try and open one, so you might need to bear that in mind”


  • Charmaine Dudley says:

    Thanks these are awesome tutorials BUT how do you add a file extention that isn’t there e.g. aspx or ashx

  • Mal says:

    I accidently left the Tick on when I was changing the default program for a specific file Extension In Windows 7..
    Now every time I try to open a DAT file it opens up in wordpad as rubbish.
    How do I change the program back to unknown?

  • Bill Crawford says:

    Using win.8.1, I can’t “uncheck ” default extensions in the wordpad program.

  • Ken says:

    I am using Windows 8.1 and in the “Set Programs associations” box which comes up when you type in “Default Programs” in the run box I have accidentally clicked all the boxes and cannot seem to change them back. Is there any way of doing so? Any suggestions? I

  • Ken says:

    How do you do the opposite of the above? I accidentally set certain file extensions to be opened by wordpad (all the possible file extensions listed) and I want to go back to just the file extension .txt to be opened by wordpad. I can’t seem to change back the boxes stay clicked.



  • samhigs says:

    I need to add a “-offline” option to a program so I can open my files by default with this program under W7 (not command line). How/where do I do this, in the Registry?

    • joe says:

      Open regedit and goto KEY_CLASSES_ROOTYOURfileshellopencommand

      For example with “.blend” files
      where “YOURfile” is “blendfile”

      Edit the command e.g.
      “C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlenderblender.exe” “%1”
      and add your commandline e.g.
      “C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlenderblender.exe” -con “%1”

  • naveena says:

    in windows 8, i tried to open a jpg file by using ms word with the help of open with option.and i selects “always use the selected program to open this kind of file”.From that time onwards all the files(different types of files) in my system including nero also changed to that form.

    what can i do to set my files to previous?

    and i tried to change them with DEFAULT PROGRaMS option.but no change

  • Ano Namouse says:

    There are times when you want to simply remove the file association …and NOT associate it with anything. Such as… when the darn thing won’t change… it opens in another program but it won’t change it permanently to be the default. Yes, I have the box checked. So the best thing would be to remove the file type/association from the list completely… perhaps that can be done via registry? Where?

  • Tim says:

    Im trying to connect the exitention .py to the program python but when I click on the python.exe program and press OKE there is nothing happening and the .py file stays on the notepad.exe

  • zul says:

    please tell me how to download windows disc image burner ??? Please

  • Trevor says:

    I am using Win7 and I am trying to associate the data file for MYOB (MYO) with the MYOB exe file but each time I choose it- no matter which of the above methods I use – it simply ignores my choice !! This may be becasue the EXE file is located in a folder not under the “Program Files” folder. This is how MYOB installed itself on the system!!

    Is there is Registry setting I can edit to force this association? Seems like this may be the only option available to me.

  • grenadier says:

    origin ‘https;//battlelog.battlefield.com/sso/Ciyvab0tregdVsBtboIpeChe4G6uzC1v5_SIxmvSLLtv…

    this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action,please insatall a program or,if one is already installed in the Default programs control panel.
    what does this mean and how do i fix this , i,m on OS WIN 7 64BIY.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      How do you get to this error? What exactly are you trying to do?

      • Grenadier says:

        I,m try to load a PC game which has to start from EA games Origin page, and when i try to load the game this comes up.

  • derict says:

    am networking student of ipmc l need a study guide from you.please today
    we learning about internet protocols, l want you to elaborate on the calculation of ip addresss,and their classes.thank you.please be a friend to me to learn from you.

  • leny says:

    it’s there a way to do this in cmd or powershell?

    I looked all over but no luck.

  • Tom says:

    That all works fine for FILE TYPES, but not for protocols. You can only set default program associations for the protocols that are already listed.

  • Anonymous says:


    i accidentally changed my file extension to cmd and i cannot change it back…now everytime i open that type of files..it will open to cmd, how can we fix this?

    please help.. im using windows 7 64 bit

  • Anonymous says:

    Lordy, I’ve been using a mac for years and we just got a laptop with Windows 7. Why is Windows so complicated & convoluded!?! Thanks for posting this article, it really helped.

  • Anonymous says:

    I have tried this, but if i restart the computer everything goes back to previous settings and i have to change file association again.
    Why is that, is there any solution?

  • Roy Whitethread says:

    Yes I am. I replaced the Windows Mail program files in Win 7 with those from Vista, put a shortcut for Winmail.exe on the desktop and Windows Mail opens from that. I also added a registry entry called mailclients.reg to the registry (I can’t remember which forum I got that from) and that enabled me to make Windows Mail my default email program. Following a recent Microsoft update which patched msoe.dll I had to replace msoe.dll with a patched version from Vista to keep Windows Mail working.

    Please advise further.

    Thanks and regards,
    Roy Whitethread

  • Roy Whitethread says:

    I tried the program you recommended, but it said Windows Mail could not be set as the default program for the .eml file extension “because of some registry issues, possibly caused by earlier system tweaks”. I assume the earlier tweaks would be the workaround I used to enable Windows Mail to be used with Win 7.

    If you have any other suggestions I would be grateful to receive them.

    Thanks and regards,
    Roy Whitethreaf

    • Ciprian says:

      When you say Windows Mail, you are referring to the Windows Mail from Windows Vista? Imported somehow in Windows 7?

  • Roy Whitethread says:

    Dear Sir,

    I am familiar with the procedures outlined in your tutorial, but no matter what I try I cannot set Windows Mail as the default program to open files with the extension .eml

    Is there any way to do this?

    My OS is Win 7 32 bit, and I used the workaround detailed in various forums to enable use of Windows Mail. Windows Mail as such is working fine, but from time to time I have needed to look at emails in the backup I created of my Local Folders, and it is a nuisance having them open with Notepad and getting all the technical details, as opposed to reading them like a normal email.

    Your help would be appreciated.

    Thanks and regards,
    Roy Whitethread

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