4 Responses to “How to see all the hidden files on a Windows computer”

  • Audrey Poon says:

    I can find the $Recycle.Bin Folder which have S-1-5 sub-folder inside. Do you know how to recover the data inside? Thank you very much.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      You need to use a specialized third-party app for this task, like Recuva or an alternative to it.

  • Robert Hunter says:

    I followed the tutorial which I don’t think said to uncheck the “Hide protected……system files.” as I went through it. When it asked at the end whether I checked them both, I went back and saw the protected option in the View tab, but left it the way it was, i.e., checked.

  • Elias Daoud says:

    I cannot access some viewed folders. Message by windows is “Access denied” and I am the administrator (Home windows version)
    AppData, Local settings, ApplicationData, my documents, nethood, and so many

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