16 Responses to “How to rename all files in a folder in Windows 10”

  • Sayo says:

    F2 is brilliant and still works in Windows 11. Only regret is I didn’t find you sooner. Coulda saved days!

  • Gema says:

    F2 did the trick for me. Thanks a lot guys 😉

  • Derrick Ramos says:

    Outstanding shortcut. I use this method for creating image sequences in Adobe Premiere. Unfortunately, when using the ‘Batch Rename’ method, the auto-use of parenthesis in the sequence of filenames doesn’t allow Premiere to import them as an image sequence, so renaming them individually is still required by renaming, tab, then renaming. It’s a little quicker, but it would extra super rad if when batch renaming, it assigned sequential numbers without the parenthesis.

  • Alan says:

    Helpful tips

  • Kameron Chia says:

    How do I change the file extension? I know a warning will pop up, but that’s OK.

  • Kameron Chia says:

    How do I change the file extension? I know a warning will pop up, but that’s OK.

  • Novice says:

    Just wondering about renaming folders with different folder names, e.g. pzza, apples, pies… instead of pizza (1), pizza (2) and pizza (3). This is obviously just a simple example, however trying to create a large folder system and would spend a year typing each name otherwise.

  • jonathan says:

    I use, Batch Rename Files Tool. You can easily found hier BatchRenameFiles.org that allows you to quickly rename all the files in a specified directory.

  • Dave Shaw says:

    Excellent post Maria Madalina, thank you so much

  • Pantoro Tri says:

    it simply rename the file but does not actually change the extension. For example if I want to change file.exe be file.doc icon should be changed.
    Use Fast File Renamer it’s free and actually rename including extension.

  • Thomas says:

    I followed the advice but when I pressed enter a note came up about printing. This is not what I want.

  • Dorian Markich says:

    This is very helpful, thanks!
    If you want to do this in a much easier way, get KrojamSoft BatchRename. This program has a very user-friendly interface and lets you rename files and folders in a batch, change the case of the characters, change the time stamps and my favorite feature – you can log activity into an activity log. Try it out!

  • Fedya says:

    I find the most convenient method to be by using the BulkRenameFile Tool. You should definitely give it a try. It is worth it!

  • Andrew says:

    is their a way to ‘tab up’?? rather than only moving down the list when you click tab? Thanks

  • Akshay says:

    That’s a great trick. It’s especially helpful for renaming screenshots.

    I use Bulk Rename Utility. It’s a free tool. It comes with tones of features. Like regex, prefix, logging, case sensitivity, command line integration, remove digits, etc. Renaming technique possibilities are endless.

    If you are looking for something powerful.

    Meanwhile, thanks for remembering this trick.


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