8 Responses to “What is BIOS? What is UEFI? How are they different?”

  • Kale says:

    Very informative article. I learned a lot. Thank You Sir. Blessings for you 🙂

  • Raul Souza says:

    I love this website, it’s already in my favourites! Thanks a lot!

    • Anonymous says:

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  • Meghana says:

    I tried to do a BIOS default to the unit and after that the unit is not able to boot to the windows. Please help me fix the issue

  • George Birbilis says:

    I don’t think the comment about Windows 8 being the first big OS to use UEFI is accurate. I think Intel-based MacOS-X was using it already

  • Rami Bushnaq says:

    Is the BIOS is a software save his default setting in it and when you customize these settings the customization is saved on CMOS which powered by battery?
    if yes;
    So…we don’t need CMOS if we will not customize any setting!!

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