26 Responses to “How to read ebooks with the free Kindle app for PC”

  • S says:

    When I open my downloaded book the page appears in both portrait and landscape at the same time. Tried downloading from Amazon and installing again but getting same results. Also got error message when installing ordinal not found 4540 and 4516. Any suggestions?

  • Tom says:

    How to use flip side of flashcard

  • DAGER says:

    i have used Kindle reader for years on tablets and win 10 with no trouble.
    Today I downloaded a magazine (New Scientist) and it is rotated 90 degrees. In Win 10 I cannot find a way to correct this. I prefer to use my PC for magazines.
    Any ideas?

  • JosieO says:

    Thank you. Im trying to use the Flashcard options in my Kindle app for PC2. On the right side when reading my PDFs in the Kindle it shows a box for Flashcards+ and when I mouse over it shows “export to flashcards” it doesnt do anything whenever I click it. There is no flashcard option as pictured in your instructions on the left side of my menu. Is there something preventing this option? Perhaps because its an imported PDF? Thanks for any help.

  • DP Smith says:

    Once I’ve set up kindle app and reading a book and want to pause I can hit bar at bottom but how do I start back reading? I’ve been having to open tool bar and click text to speech. Gotta be easier way..thanks

  • darleen says:

    Wonderful instructions! I went through the entire page and learned several useful things. What I was looking for, however, is not answered here. I am hoping to learn how to change the reading progress bar on the bottom of the page. Mine currently shows how much of the book has been read, by percentage. I want to change that to chapters.

  • Rodney says:

    You skipped over the part on “searching” for words or phrases inside of books.

  • RobRoy says:

    Will they ever incorporate the use of the PEN to create comments or notes. I have a surface pro and its hard to type when you are in a classroom setting.

  • Ross says:

    These options for “Viewing Bookmarks” don’t exist on my version. I have Windows 7, maybe that’s why?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup. We cover the Kindle app for Windows 10. It is a different app with different features.

  • Sue Ellen says:

    Thank you for posting this. VERY helpful to have the flash cards. I could not figure it out. I kept on creating booklets. LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      Happy to help. Do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter, for more useful content.

  • Alastair says:

    Alastair again. I have just found how to cancel Full Screen on my Lenovo X1. In Full Screen mode, when you change page a little box pops up at bottom of the screen for a few seconds. I has an X in a circle and when tapped, it closes Full Screen mode.

  • Alastair says:

    I have a Lenovo Yoga X1 laptop which allows me to totally flip the screen over to effectively give me a keyboard-less tablet. The keyboard, now underneath the screen, is dis-enabled. If I now open a Kindle page, I am able to go to the menu “View” and select ‘ Full Screen’.Can you help me as I am unable to find any way using the touch screen to undo the Full Screen – ie: the touch equivalent of F11. Looking forward to your reply and by the way, your user manual online for the Kindle is really excellent.

  • Khulekani says:

    On my PC, kindle app does not have Aa on top, in other words i cannot rotate a book, so what can i do?

  • Anne says:

    It looks like it is impossible to do a word search in the Kindle for PC app. That would be a great addition to the program.

  • john fassett says:

    In full screen, when the pointer strays onto the page, a black box appears at the bottom, blocking the center of three lines of text. Very annoying. Any way to get rid of it?

  • Debra Gordon says:

    How can I, or why can’t I scroll down on the pages rather than flip forward/backward on each page. Scrolling rather than flipping is more intuitive when using computers.

  • Jes says:

    I was wondering if you might be able to help me, I can’t find anything online so far. I created flashcards for a book while using the Kindle for PC app on my computer. I assumed the flashcards would show up on my FireHD8 when I opened the book there, but they weren’t. The option to make flashcards was on my Fire device, but not the flashcards that I already had made on the PC.

    Are the flashcards mearly local/device specific? Or is there something I can do to access them from my Fire?

  • Caroline says:

    The one thing this app needs is a way to sort your collections i.e. alphabetically; not just your books as a whole.

  • David says:

    Is there any way to enlarge images, ie. not just text?
    I want to be able to read the Music Staves in a Music Book, but they display too small.

  • Connie says:

    i am using a microsoft surface pro in 2017. I’m using it in tablet mode (no mouse). I scoured this article looking for a way to toggle back out of full screen mode, so I could access the settings menu. So far, no luck. Thanks for a great article though! When I solve my isue I’ll come back to it.

  • Ola says:

    Thank you very much for a fantastic tutorial. Easy to understand and well structured. Well done!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Thank you for appreciating our work. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter, for the latest guides that we publish.

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