9 Responses to “What is, how to enable, and how to turn off a metered connection in Windows 10”

  • E Banks says:

    I bought a smart phone for limited use, banking, and little else. I got myself a Lite tariff. Not at all savvy, I left the data on most of the time. Trying to avert disaster I read a lot and turned data off, only to find that most of the data was consumed from WiFi and most of that was used by the google play app…nearly half a gig.
    I decided to switch lots of apps off, including banking, but then I got warnings that not leaving connected was “not advisable”
    I will take the leg-smack, and put it down to experience. I will change my tariff so that I stay comfortably within.
    Of course, this was the intention of the providers all along. If you go down the economy route your apps will be insecure, may not work properly and there is another thing, so many apps now are interconnected, I thought of getting rid of lots of apps until I read that, I only wanted the phone for banking in the first place.
    Give up guys, THEY have devised a sort of maze, where you can try doing all this stuff, but it will only end one way. Pay Up.

  • Reg Nepinak says:

    I was in settings one day about a year ago and it asked if I wanted to be on a metered network, I said yes and get notification of it each time I turn on the computer. I haven’t seen any change to the way the computer operates and only ask today what metered means to satisfy my curiosity!

  • hdonnell says:

    The metered connection is available on the current Win 10 Pro now. Look in settings-network & internet-data usage-show settings-data usage-data limit. Set date,limit, units, background usage.

  • Rita Molina says:

    Doesn’t work

  • Harriet 2018 says:

    I am extremely frustrated. I can’t control the updates and can’t use the Internet if the laptop is trying to update. I do not have internet on 24/7. It is all limited usage. Plus it is taking most of my credit. The other thing is that once it starts I cannot stop it. This seems unfair ad it takes so long. Argggghhhhh!

  • Chris B. says:

    This is very helpful. Thanks. I recently incurred a huge data bite on my mobile plan and it took awhile to figure out what was happening. I have set the connection as metered. I also get the warning to which you refer in the notifications area: “This PC is on a metered network. Pause OneDrive to reduce network charges.” However, it’s not clear where/how to do this. I found something called Office 2016 Upload Center on Windows 10 and therein found a Pause Uploads button. Is this what is meant by the warning? Click pause here? Or something else?

  • Louis says:

    Obviously there are different versions of W10, mine does not contain the “metered connections ” option, just like the “Night light” option also does not exist !

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      And again, we clearly state that:
      “NOTE: This feature is available only if you are using Windows 10 Creators Update or higher. Earlier versions of Windows 10 do not offer it.”

      Please read our guides, don’t just skim through them. This feature will be available for all Windows 10 users as of April.

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